RS Podiatry Clinic

Gluteal Bursitis

Gluteal bursitis is a condition that affects the bursae, small fluid-filled sacs that cushion the bones, tendons, and muscles near the hip joint. When the bursae become inflamed, it can cause discomfort and limited mobility. We will delve into the symptoms of gluteal bursitis, explore various treatment options, and highlight the benefits of two advanced techniques: Run3D and Class IV MLS Laser Therapy.

Symptoms of Gluteal Bursitis:

Gluteal bursitis often manifests as pain and tenderness on the outer side of the hip. Common symptoms include:

  1. Hip pain: Persistent pain in the hip area that may worsen with prolonged sitting, walking, or climbing stairs.
  2. Tenderness: The affected area may be tender to touch.
  3. Swelling: In some cases, inflammation may cause swelling around the hip.
  4. Limited range of motion: Difficulty moving the hip joint fully, particularly when trying to extend or rotate the leg.

Treatment Options (not limited to):

When it comes to treating gluteal bursitis, a comprehensive approach is essential for a successful recovery. Commonly recommended treatment options may include:

  1. Rest and activity modification: Reducing activities that exacerbate the symptoms, such as running or excessive sitting, can help alleviate pain and promote healing.
  2. Physical therapy: Specific exercises and stretches can strengthen the hip muscles and improve flexibility, reducing strain on the bursae.
  3. Pain management: Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, can provide temporary relief from pain and reduce inflammation.
  4. Cold or heat therapy: Applying ice packs or warm compresses to the affected area can help reduce swelling and alleviate discomfort.
  5. Assistive devices: The use of crutches or a walking cane may be recommended to offload the affected hip joint during the healing process.

The Power of Run3D:

Run3D is a state-of-the-art technology used in podiatry clinics that analyses an individual’s running gait and movement patterns. It helps identify any abnormalities or imbalances that could contribute to gluteal bursitis. By assessing a person’s running technique, foot mechanics, and body alignment, Run3D enables us to create personalised treatment plan to address the root cause of the condition. By optimising running form and addressing any contributing factors, individuals can reduce the risk of reoccurrence and promote long-term healing.

Class IV MLS Laser Therapy:

Class IV MLS Laser Therapy is a cutting-edge treatment modality that utilizes low-level laser energy to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. This non-invasive, painless treatment promotes tissue repair, reduces inflammation, and relieves pain. For gluteal bursitis, MLS Laser Therapy can be applied directly to the affected hip area, targeting the inflamed bursae and surrounding tissues. This advanced therapy has been shown to accelerate healing, improve mobility, and provide long-lasting relief for patients.

Gluteal bursitis can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life, causing pain and limiting mobility. However, with the right treatment approach, individuals can find relief and restore their active lifestyle. Utilizing advanced technologies such as Run3D to analyze running mechanics and Class IV MLS Laser Therapy to stimulate healing processes can offer significant benefits in the management of gluteal bursitis. If you’re experiencing symptoms of gluteal bursitis, consult with a podiatrist or healthcare professional to receive a proper diagnosis and personalised treatment plan.

Early intervention and comprehensive care can pave the way for a swift recovery.