RS Podiatry Clinic


Below is an overview of our fees, for anything not listed below, please call for more information

Musculoskeletal Consultation & Assessment (New Patient)


Musculoskeletal Consultation & Assessment PLUS report & GP letter (New Patient)


General Podiatry: New Patient Appointment


Runner's M.O.T.


Verrutop Verruca Treatment course from:


Verruca Treatment Falknor's
Needling Procedure


Children's Orthotics


Phits 3D-Printed Custom Made Orthotics


Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) (course of treatments)


Class IV Laser Therapy
(for a course of treatments)


Rehab &
Exercise Work


Detailed consultation report


General Podiatry:
follow-up appointment


FREE Verruca consultation
