RS Podiatry Clinic

Morton’s Neuroma


Morton’s Neuroma is a common condition that affects the nerves between the third and fourth toes. This condition causes pain, numbness, and a burning sensation in the ball of the foot. Morton’s Neuroma is more common in women than in men and can be caused by various factors, including foot structure, tight-fitting shoes, and repetitive foot trauma.

One of the primary causes of Morton’s Neuroma is an abnormal foot structure. People with flat feet or high arches are more susceptible to developing this condition. This is because these conditions can cause an abnormal distribution of weight on the feet, leading to pressure on the nerves and causing inflammation and swelling.

Wearing tight-fitting shoes, especially high heels, can also lead to Morton’s Neuroma. This is because these types of shoes compress the toes, causing the nerves to become pinched. This can lead to the development of Morton’s Neuroma over time.

Orthotics are a commonly used treatment for Morton’s Neuroma. Orthotics are shoe inserts that are designed to correct any abnormal foot structure and provide additional support and cushioning to the feet. They help to distribute weight evenly across the feet and reduce pressure on the nerves, alleviating the symptoms of Morton’s Neuroma. Some of our patients have had excellent results when orthotics have been combined with Class IV Laser treatment.

In addition to orthotics, other conservative treatments for Morton’s Neuroma include wearing shoes with a wider toe box, avoiding high heels, and using ice to reduce pain and swelling. Corticosteroid injections may also be used to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.

In severe cases of Morton’s Neuroma, surgery may be required to remove the affected nerve tissue. However, this is typically only recommended if conservative treatments have been unsuccessful.

If you are experiencing symptoms of Morton’s Neuroma, it is important to seek treatment from a qualified podiatrist. They can help diagnose the condition and develop a treatment plan tailored to your individual needs. With proper treatment, the symptoms of Morton’s Neuroma can be effectively managed, allowing you to resume your daily activities without discomfort.


(This article is not advice and each patient case is seen to on an individual basis).