RS Podiatry Clinic

Routine Podiatry Treatments

Looking after long nails and hard skin is key, particularly as they become painful. This can cause soreness, infection, affect the way we walk, affect our mood, and sometimes result in ulceration of the skin. As we age our skin naturally becomes drier and we can lose the protective fatty padding we all should have. Heels can become dry and cracked and difficult to manage. Let us help!

Callus Debridement

As Podiatrists we are trained to use surgical grade sterile scalpel blades to remove hard and sometimes painful skin. This is important to keep on top of especially if you are diabetic. If needed we can look at the potential causes and try and address these through various methods some of which may include insoles, orthotics and advice on specific foot creams and files.

Corn Treatment

Walking with a painful corn(s) can mean we alter our gait and over compensate on other areas. This can sometimes lead to problems elsewhere. Corns are best treated by a Podiatrist. Treatment is often painless. However, treatment can become uncomfortable if the corn has been neglected for some time. Come and get it seen to sooner!

Nail Care Service

For patients who are elderly, have back problems, can’t reach their feet, have had a hip replacement, play sports or dance, wear tight shoes or for anyone simply wanting professional help to keep their toe nails in the best shape possible.

Some common nail problems include:

  • Fungal nails
  • Overly thick nails
  • Infected nails
  • Bruised nails
  • Detaching/Loose nails
  • Ingrowing toe nail

Diabetic Footcare

Diabetics are far more susceptible to foot and lower-limb complications. It is highly important to see a Podiatrist if you have any concerns about your foot health. It is also recommended to have an annual diabetic foot check.

Diabetic foot problems can include:

  • Delayed healing from cuts or lesions
  • Higher risk of developing an infection
  • Increased risk of developing an ulcer
  • Poor circulation
  • Nerve damage with subsequent lack of feeling in the feet
  • Increased risk of amputation (particularly with a poor medical history and poorly managed diabetes)
  • Changes in eye-sight making it difficult to cut toe nails

How can we help?

We help provide valuable advice and tests on:

  • Nerve Sensation for diabetic neuropathy
  • Advice on how to look after your feet in order to prevent potential complications
  • Circulation (Vascular assessment) using a hand held Doppler
  • Help with reducing corns and calluses and hard skin which all contribute to an increased risk of an ulcer
  • Offer a professional nail cutting service to reduce the chances of potential complications from poorly cut nails
  • See you every 6-12 months for routine check-ups to ensure any problems are picked up early
  • Take the time to go through with you and explain all your results
  • Work with you to form a management plan that you can keep to help improve the health of your feet and then maintain this
  • And more!

Ingrown Toe Nail Treatment

Ingrowing toe nails are often caused by poor nail cutting, excessively sweaty feet, tight footwear, or if you naturally have very curled nails. Seek treatment sooner rather than later and the problem can easily be resolved. Leave it too long and the nail becomes very painful and can result in subsequent pus, inflammation and infection.

Often, we can treat the nail in one to two sessions, however, if it is a continuous issue then a partial nail avulsion, where part of the nail is permanently removed, may be a better consideration.

Specialist Verruca Needling Treatment

A highly successful, painless verruca treatment. Contact for a consultation appointment!