RS Podiatry Clinic

Ingrown toenail surgery

Ingrown toenail treatment in Coventry

Ingrown toenails occur when the edge of the toenail grows into the surrounding skin. This leads to pain, redness, swelling, and potential infection of the toe. This condition can affect anyone but is more common in individuals who regularly wear tight shoes, trim their toenails incorrectly, have excessively sweaty feet (hyperhidrosis), or have naturally curved or misshapen nails.

Symptoms of an ingrowing toenail:

  • Pain and tenderness along the side of the toenail
  • Swelling and redness around the nail
  • Difficulty wearing shoes or walking comfortably
  • Formation of pus if an infection develops
  • Formation of a crust/scab (hypergranulation) on the side of the nail or toe

How is an ingrowing toenail diagnosed?

An ingrown toenail typically presents noticeable symptoms, but if there is any uncertainty, a Podiatrist can diagnose it. As Podiatrists, we see ingrowing toenails on a very regular basis. A GP can also diagnose an ingrowing toenail and may prescribe antibiotics.

Why see a podiatrist for an ingrown toenail?

  • Expert Diagnosis: Foot specialists undergo training to accurately diagnose the cause and severity of ingrown toenails, ensuring they provide appropriate treatment and reduce the risk of complications.
  • Specialised Treatment Options: We offer a range of treatment options tailored to individual needs, from simple and often painless removal of the ingrowing section of a nail, to minimally invasive procedures for ingrown toenail removal.
  • Preventive Care: We guide proper foot care techniques and preventive measures to reduce the risk of ingrown toenails recurring in the future.
  • No waiting lists: Leaving it longer to get an ingrowing toenail treated simply allows more time for the splinter of the nail to ingrow and increases the chances of infection. Don’t wait!

How much does ingrown toenail treatment cost?

At the time of publication (March 2024), the cost of ingrown toenail treatment is £65, whilst a minor surgical procedure to remove an ingrowing toenail is around £285. This includes two follow-up appointments.

Our clinic offers a flexible schedule with various availability options. If a procedure is needed, we swiftly arrange it after an initial consultation. During this consultation, we thoroughly assess the issue, conduct a patient suitability screening, and review your medical history. Moreover, we provide a detailed explanation of the procedure, ensuring you are fully informed before any treatment.

Ingrown toenail

Ingrown toenail removal:

For effective and lasting relief, we always recommend professional ingrown toenail removal by a podiatrist. Additionally, while home remedies like soaking the foot in warm water can offer temporary comfort, they provide only short-term relief. A partial nail avulsion procedure, easily performed under local anaesthetic, involves numbing the toe and removing the ingrowing section of the nail. Next, the podiatrist may apply a chemical to prevent regrowth in that area, followed by applying an antibacterial dressing to facilitate proper healing. Remarkably, the entire procedure typically takes only 10-15 minutes!

How to prevent an ingrown toenail:

Our advice to prevent getting an ingrown toenail is:

  • Cut the nail straight across
  • Do not cut the nail too short
  • Do not wear tight-fitting, narrow shoes which press the nails
  • If you suspect the nail is damaged or about to ingrow, consult a podiatrist.

A recent 5-star review received from a patient:

At RS Podiatry Clinic, we’ve encountered numerous cases of ingrowing toenails from those at an early stage to those at more advanced stages. We strongly advise anyone suspecting an ingrowing toenail to have it examined promptly and not let it worsen over time.

We can often treat ingrowing toenails very effectively with simple regular treatments within one to a few podiatry sessions. Feel free to get in touch to find out more or book a free ten-minute consultation (phone/video/in-person) if you are unsure.